Volunteer Consent
The success of a Quiet Waters’ Events depends heavily on the carefully nurtured Christian community that allows individuals living with disability to feel blessed and supported. For this reason, Quiet Waters reserves the right to accept families, volunteers, and leaders and/or assign accommodations based on our ability to meet the needs of all participants in a safe Christian environment. Thank you for your understanding in helping us preserve the community of Quiet Waters’ Events.
In applying for a Quiet Waters’ Event, I, the volunteer, consent to the following:
Statement of Faith
Volunteer commits to service for this ministry as he/she agrees with and supports the biblical convictions of Quiet Waters, including:
We believe the Bible is the written word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error in the original manuscripts. The Bible is the revelation of God’s truth and is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice.
We believe in the Holy Trinity. There is one God, who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that all are sinners and totally unable to save themselves from God’s displeasure, except by His mercy, expressed through His covenant of grace.
We believe that salvation is by God alone as He sovereignly chooses those He will save. We believe His choice is based on His grace, not on any human individual merit, or foreseen faith.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who through His perfect life and sacrificial death atoned for the sins of all who will trust in Him, alone, for salvation.
We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells God’s people and gives them the strength and wisdom to trust Christ and follow Him.
We believe that Jesus will return, bodily and visibly, to judge all mankind and to receive His people to Himself.
We believe that all aspects of our lives are to be lived to the glory of God under the Lordship of Jesus Christ
Volunteer Commitment
The term of this Commitment begins with the commencing date and continuing until I, the Volunteer, leaves the organization or is released by the organization.
I, the Volunteer, declare that all statements contained in my application form are true. I, the Volunteer, understand that any misrepresentation or omission is cause for dismissal from any ministry involvement.
I, the Volunteer, understand that I can withdraw from the application process at any time.
Solely for religious and humanitarian objectives and without contemplation of any monetary or other material compensation. I, the Volunteer, acknowledge and agree that I am expected to respect and cooperate under the leaders of Quiet Waters and to:
Uphold Christianity’s calling to serve Humankind at the highest standard of professional and ethical conduct, realizing that I am ultimately an example of Jesus Christ in my actions, behaviors, and attitude;
I will adopt the attitude that I am at the respite, in part, to understand and serve the host culture and not to convince them of my own viewpoint or style.
I will serve with open-mindedness and flexible
I understand there are many different ways to accomplish the same objective, and recognize my way is not necessarily the only way.
I understand every team member involved is expected to share freely their particular gifting, blessings, talents, and skills. I agree to fully use the gifts God has given me.
Act and speak honestly and with high ethics, morals and integrity, and in a manner that upholds Quiet Waters’ values and good repute;
This includes but is not limited to refraining from: making derogatory comments or arguments with regard to people, politics, sports, religion, race, or traditions, meddling, complaining, criticizing, using obscene or insensitive humor, or gossiping, realizing others at the respite will look to me as a living example of Christ.
Act with good care, attention, and diligence to protect and preserve the health, safety, security, and well-being of myself and others;
I recognize using or bringing firearms, fireworks, or any dangerous weapons is strictly prohibited.
Attend any required trainings or meetings provided for my particular respite (before, during, and after) and serve in my assignment(s) throughout the entire respite;
Carry out all Volunteer activities as directed by Quiet Waters
Comply with all laws and customs of the country(ies), region(s), and locality(ies) in which he/she is traveling or working in connection with the Outreach;
Comply with all other Quiet Waters’ rules, policies, and procedures applicable to the Outreach, including but not limited to:
Bringing and wearing clothing that is modest and understand the Quiet Waters’ leader or designate has the authority to make decisions concerning the suitability of my attire;
Always having another adult present when he/she is with an respite participant;
Abstaining from smoking, the use of alcohol, drugs (other than prescribed medications), and profanity;
Respecting the personal property and space of others;
Not leaving the respite or other service site(s) during the respite without permission from the Quiet Waters’ leader or designate;
Using proper restraint in his/her conduct, attitude, and actions.
I, the Volunteer, acknowledge, agree to, and solely accept the risks and responsibilities related to serving as a volunteer. Thus, to the maximum extent of the law, Quiet Waters, including any of its founders, directors, managers, employees, volunteers, host individuals, families, and partner organizations are not liable for any harm or loss that I, the Volunteer, may experience or incur, including but not limited to death, personal injury, emotional injury, illness or disease, or damage or loss of property.
I, the Volunteer, acknowledge that any respite may have special and/or particular health and/or fitness requirements and I, the Volunteer, certify my ability to meet those requirements and execute their volunteer duties.
I agree not to initiate or seek romantic relationships with team members, host family members, staff, nationals, or an individual served on the respite. I will avoid any actions which might be perceived as amorous.
I, the Volunteer, understand that Quiet Waters has a policy of zero tolerance for abuse and takes all allegations of abuse seriously. I, the Volunteer, further understand that Quiet Waters cooperates fully with the authorities to investigate all cases of alleged abuse. Abuse of any kind is grounds for immediate dismissal from my volunteer position and possible criminal charges.
I, the Volunteer, declare that I am not a pedophile or child molester. I have not perpetrated physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, or neglect against a child, student, or person with disability, and he/she has never been accused of these acts.
I, the Volunteer, understand and agree that false statements regarding past conduct and/or present situations as well as refusal to inform Quiet Waters of the contents of a sealed criminal record, may be grounds for denial of this application.
I, the Volunteer, irrevocably consent to Quiet Waters’ publication and other use – for training, promotion, fundraising, and any other purpose consistent with the organization’s mission – any and all photographs, interviews, audio/visual recordings, and any and all other descriptions and depictions of himself/herself, either singly or with others, taken, conducted, produced, or otherwise created during the course of any respite or otherwise in relation to my association with Quiet Waters..
I, the Volunteer, acknowledge and agree that I will not be entitled to receive employment or an offer of employment by Quiet Waters strictly by virtue of participating in volunteer activity with Quiet Waters.
Quiet Waters may terminate me, the Volunteer, from respite participation when the leader or designate determines in his/her sole discretion that I, the Volunteer, is in violation of any provision of this Commitment, including but not limited to his/her determination that I, the Volunteer, am not performing in a proper manner.
I understand that my conduct affects the success of the respite. In the event my conduct or behavior is considered unsatisfactory, mediation is unsuccessful, and my behavior remains unchanged, I agree my services in conjunction with the respite shall be terminated, and I will return home immediately, at my own expense.
The parties to this Volunteer Commitment believe that the Bible commands them to make every effort to live at peace and to resolve disputes with each other in private or within the Christian Church (see Matthew 18:15-20; 1 Corinthian 6:1-8). Therefore, the parties agree that any claim or dispute arising from or related to this Volunteer Commitment termination shall be a Biblical process that involves good faith negotiations.
The provision of this Commitment is severable, and if any one or more provision – and/or portions or aspects of such provision(s) – may be determined to be judicially unenforceable, in whole or in part, the remaining provisions and/or portions or aspects of such provision(s) and shall nevertheless be binding and enforceable.
Local Mississippi law shall govern the construction, interpretations, and enforcement of this Commitment. The Commitment supersedes all previous agreements, whether written or oral, expressed or implied, related to the above subject matter, and shall not be changed or subject to change orally. For the interpretation or enforcement of the above agreement to mediate and to arbitrate and for the address and resolution of any other matter outside of such alternative dispute resolution, the parties agree the Mississippi Superior Court, shall be the forum with rights of appeal and review as permitted and applicable to such court.
By submitting your application with this Commitment including the Volunteer Non-Disclosure Agreement and Volunteer Reference and Background Check Authorization, it constitutes your authorization and agreement to all the points stated in this Commitment.
Volunteer Non-Disclosure Agreement
I, the undersigned, am a volunteer of Quiet Waters Organization. As a continuing condition of my volunteer status, I agree to preserve Confidential Information of Quiet Waters that has or will be provided to me. I shall use the Confidential Information directly or indirectly disclosed to me by Quiet Waters or Quiet Waters affiliates only for the purposes authorized by Quiet Waters. I understand that Confidential Information means data, know how, discoveries, and inventions. I agree to indemnify Quiet Waters to the full extent of any damage, loss or expense suffered by Quiet Waters as a result of any breach of secrecy and/or confidentiality by me under the terms of this Agreement.
Volunteer Reference and Background Check Authorization:
I authorize Quiet Waters to contact my references listed herein to verify all information provided and to obtain any and all information related to my character and past work/volunteer performance.
I authorize Quiet Waters to conduct a background check and social media check (investigation of publicly accessible information on the Internet) to verify my character and legal standing.
I waive my right of access to these forms and release all references from any liability for information provided in good faith.
Consent for Participation
I hereby acknowledge that I, the Volunteer, have voluntarily chosen to attend the Quiet Waters Event. I understand that attendance at the respite and participation in activities involve a certain degree of risk, including possible participation in physically demanding and dangerous activities such as horseback riding, tethered balloon rides, zipline high ropes, climbing walls, tubing, watercraft rides, and motorcycle rides. I have carefully considered the risk(s) involved and give consent for myself to attend the respite. I acknowledge that my participation in any specific activity during the respite is my decision, and I affirm that if I participate in any such activities, I have considered any risks involved in such activity and have agreed to assume such risk and be responsible for the results of such participation. I release Quiet Waters, the venue, their officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents, representatives, and related parties or other organizations associated with the respite and its activities from any and all claims, damages, liability, bodily injury, illness, death, property damage, or losses of any nature, whether known or unknown, arising out of participation in the respite and any included activities by me.
In signing this release, I must clearly express my intention to give up its protection against releasing unknown claims. I hereby expressly give up the protection of that code section and waive any right I may have under it or under any other statue or common law principles of similar effect, to assert any claims, including ones that I do not currently know about and cannot reasonably foresee, against Quiet Waters and any other respite Releases. I intend to release all known and unknown Claims.
Emergency Consent
I understand that, in the event of a minor injury, I may need first aid treatment. In case of emergency involving me, I understand the respite leader(s) will make every effort to contact one of my emergency contacts. In the event they cannot reach an emergency contact, or should the circumstances render immediate attention more important than contacting one of my emergency contacts, I hereby give my permission to the adult leader in charge to secure proper treatment according to the best available practices for my safety and health, which may include, where appropriate, the offering of over-the-counter medications contained in the First Aid Kit present at the scene. If there are any medications to which I am allergic, I have listed the applicable medications in the application form. If I have not listed any medication allergies in the application form, then I have no known medication allergies.
I have carefully read and understand this Quiet Waters Event Consents and understand what it says and its consequences. I am voluntarily applying for participation in an respite offered by Quiet Waters, a non-profit organization, and acknowledge that my signing these Consents is a prerequisite my acceptance into and participation in an respite. I understand that I am giving up any right to sue Quiet Waters or the respite Releasees for any injury or damage that I may suffer in connection with our participation in the event.