Terms and Conditions
All downloadable files on this site are copyrighted by Quiet Waters. The contents are provided for your education and individual use. You are granted the right to use them as specified in the License Agreement below.
You must agree with the terms and conditions set forth in the License Agreement before downloading or otherwise using any of the contents of this site. This is an agreement between Quiet Waters, and you (herein "you"), the purchaser of downloadable content.
DISTRIBUTING DOWNLOADABLE FILES: You may not reproduce or distribute the downloadable files (.ZIP files for example) located on this site without explicit written permission from the copyright owner. The files must be unaltered, and specifically must contain any Copyright Notices and License Agreements provided with the original file. Additionally, you may NOT link directly to a .ZIP file or graphics file on the Quiet Waters site.
LINKING: You may NOT provide direct links to any of the images, animations, zipped files, or any other non-HTML files downloaded from this site.
DISCLAIMER: The contents of this site are provided AS IS. Every effort has been made to ensure the quality of all downloadable files provided here. The author shall not be held liable for any damages directly or indirectly resulting from downloading the files or through misuse of the site's contents.
IMPORTANT: By downloading and/or using any of the images or other contents of this site you are automatically consenting to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement.
Privacy Policy
Quiet Waters cares about your privacy. Information about our customers is an important part of our business, and we are not in the business of selling it to others. Any e-mail addresses gathered during your visit to our site is used only by Quiet Waters. We do not give or sell our list of customers to any other corporation or entity.
All personal information you provide to Quiet Waters is relayed by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software which encrypts any information you input.